Easy Screen Recorder    

Video Settings


    the encoder of your avi file. Choose the desired video compressor from the dropdown list.

  • Quality: The quality setting determines how nicely your picture is saved. A lower value means a lower picture quality but also a smaller file size. Only some compressors use this value.

Frame Rate:

  • Set Key Frame Every: This setting specifies the key frame rate. When a frame is saved in an AVI file, they can either be saved as a full frame, or only partially as a difference to the previous frame. The key frame rate specifies how often full frames are written to the AVI file. A high value means you can fast forward/rewind to a particular frame in your movie much faster. But it also means a higher file size.

  • Capture Frames Every: the input frame rate. It dictates how long the easy screen Recorder will ‘sleep’ after capturing each frame.

  • Playback Rate: the output frame rate. It specifies how many frames are played back per second. A higher value means a smoother playback. Typical values of 20 – 30 frames per seconds are adequate for most purposes.

Auto Adjust:

    Check the Auto Adjust option to set the Key Frame Rate, Capture Frame Rate and Playback Rate automatically through the slider. To Adjust the Frame Rate, move the slider to and fro.

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